

  1. Power Requirements Evaluation of Embedded Devices for Real-Time Video Line Detection / Jakub Suder (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE) // Energies – 2023, vol. 16, iss. 18, s. 6677-1-6677-20
  2. Chromaticity measurement of airport navigation lighting using integrated colour sensor / Jakub Suder (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE) // Opto-electronics Review – 2023, vol. 31, no. 4, s. e147040-1-e147040-9
  3. Laboratory Assessment of In-Pavement Airport Lamp’s Luminous Intensity Distribution / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE) // Applied Sciences – 2023, vol. 13, iss. 24, s. 13242-1-13242-19
  4. Application of the Nucleo STM32 module in teaching microprocessor techniques in automatic control / Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE) // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny – 2022, R. 98, nr 10, s. 245-248
  5. Microprocessor-based photometric light intensity sensor for airport lamps quality testing / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Wojciech Mańczak (WIiT), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // Opto-electronics Review – 2022, vol. 30, no. 4, s. e143396-1-e143396-7
  6. Possibilities and limitations of environment monitoring with usage of LiDAR scanner / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE) // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny – 2022, R. 98, nr 1, s. 184-187
  7. Electronic measuring matrix for testing airport lamps / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny – 2021, R. 97, nr 2, s. 47-51
  8. Low Complexity Lane Detection Methods for Light Photometry System / Jakub Suder (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // Electronics – 2021, vol. 10, iss. 14, s. 1665-1-1665-22
  9. Spectrum sensors for detecting type of airport lamps in a light photometry system / Jakub Suder (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // Opto-electronics Review – 2021, vol. 29, no. 4, s. 133-140
  10. Measuring Platform for Quality Testing of Airport Lamps / Jakub Suder (WI), Piotr Maciejewski (WI), Kacper Podbucki (WI), Tomasz Marciniak (WI), Adam Dąbrowski (WI) // Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka – 2019, nr 2, s. 5-13


  1. Influence of power supply on airport navigation lamps photometric test accuracy / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: SPA 2023 Signal Processing : Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications : Conference Proceedings, Poznan, 20th-22nd September 2023: IEEE, 2023 – s. 183-188
  2. Aspects of autonomous drive control using NVIDIA Jetson Nano microcomputer / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE) // W: Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems / red. Maria Ganzha: PTI Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne, 2022 – s. 117-120
  3. Evaluation of Embedded Devices for Real-Time Video Lane Detection / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and System MIXDES 2022 / red. Wojciech Tylman – Lodz, Poland : Lodz University of Technology, 2022 – s. 187-191
  4. Intelligent vision system for quality classification of airport lamp prisms / Jakub Suder (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: SPA 2022 Signal Processing : Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications : Conference Proceedings, Poznan, 21st-22nd September 2022: IEEE, 2022 – s. 151-154
  5. Real-time density maps generation of moving objects using embedded systems / Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: Proceedings of ELMAR-2022 : 64th International Symposium ELMAR-2022, 12-14 September 2022, Zadar, Croatia / red. Mario Muštra, Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Josip Vuković – Zadar, Croatia : IEEE, 2022 – s. 179-184
  6. Analysis of Digital Filtering with the Use of STM32 Family Microcontrollers / Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: Advanced, Contemporary Control : Proceedings of KKA 2020 – The 20th Polish Control Conference, Łódź, Poland, 2020 / red. Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Jacek Kabziński, Janusz Kacprzyk: Springer International Publishing, 2020 – s. 287-295
  7. CCTV based system for detection of anti-virus masks / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: SPA 2020 Signal Processing : Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications : Conference Proceedings, Poznan, 23rd-25th September 2020: IEEE, 2020 – s. 87-91